Tuesday 5 February 2013

Calima, a weather phenomenon

Satellite Image. Calima reaching Tenerife and Canary Islands
Satellite Image. Calima reaching Canary Islands
       Tenerife and the other Canary Islands occasionally are caught in a strange weather phenomenon known as "Calima". It is, essentially, airborne dust and sand so fine that it floats in the air. The dust comes...

from the Sahara desert stirred up by high winds and is blown over to the Canary Islands by southeasterly winds. Usually dissipates in a couple of days. 

Some preventive measures against Calima
  •  Avoid prolonged exposure to the outside air,
  •  Keep the windows closed
  •  Don’t exercise or do any physical exertion outdoors
  •  For the most sensitive or troubled breathing is recommended the use of masks.
  •  Intake plenty of fluids especially children and the elderly to avoid dehydration.
beautiful calima sunset Tenerife
Calima Effect

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